Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Frozen movie

Probably you must have heard about frozen movie, who not? because is everywhere and many people talk about it.
Well, this movie is nice and with a very good message, is one of my favorites of the latest Disney's movies. I've grown watching Disney's movies but when I grew up I realized that I preferred the old Disney's movies than the latest, but then Frozen appeared.

When I was listening some songs from Frozen, I saw a lot of comments detracting the movie, and obviously each one have different points of view; but, when I was reading the comments specifically on the let it go song I realized that every single person thought completely different about the message of this song.
So this is my point of view...

To start i'm going to talk about the movie; this starts with the sisters Elsa and Anna that had so much fun together but Anna lost that memories, because Elsa couldn't control the powers that she has.
Personally, when I saw this movie for the first time, I couldn't avoid to link, specifically this part, with my personal life.
I really had bad times in my childhood and also in my teenager years, that remind me a little bit of this part of the movie.
So, when I read many comments detracting Frozen movie or saying that "doesn't make sense" and that "it's just a lot of songs" and other things like that; I disagreed because for me this movie have a lot of sense, as I say you, that part remind me to some years of my life.

Then, another part of the movie that is very commented is the part of the let it go song, when Elsa run away from her home; and in this part I've read a lot of comments of the meaning of this part and each one was so different from the other one.
So, for me, this part  mean to be free and like let away your burdens and also don't worry for every single thing.
And, that's what happened to me, because I worried for everything; and as a Christian I know that I have to give all my burdens to God but sometimes is not so easy and this song in the particular moment that I heard for first time was like a bucket of cold water for me. So it was like God saying to me "Don't worry for everything, trust in me, and give me your burdens, let it go, let me help you" that was hopeful.
So, for me that is the meaning of this song; not exactly what happened on the movie, as many folks putted on different comments, but something linking to the song's lyrics and the meaning of be free, because everyone feel free when you let away all your burdens and for me, obviously, trusting that God knows what He is doing.

And, to finish, another part that I also like and touched me; was the last part.
On the last part of the movie Anna was going to turn to ice and only a love's act could avoid this.
So Anna without knowing saved her sister Elsa from the death and she didn't turn to ice.

Because of many things, bad things and past hurt I mean, we turn cold-hearted; most of the times we didn't realized but we change. We turn grumpier, insensitive, uncaring, unkind and even unsympathetic. So as you realized, these are a lot of bad characteristic of a person; that anyone wouldn't like to have, believe me. But when you have all of these in your heart you just don't care anything and anybody; you just think in yourself and you only realized this and realized that you don't want to be like this when you aren't like this.

So, as a consequences of my hurt past I turned all those characteristic that I mentioned, even when I was the opposite!
It's so sad when you change to bad, you know? Everyone noticed the change.
And I know that God was talking to me about this, and when I saw the movie, and heard to Olay said "a love's act melts the heart" was another bucket of cold water to me.
Obviously I didn't change in that moment or the next day, God does everything in a process, to learn.
So, I learned.

And, that was all for now.
Take care and blessings,


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