Thursday, July 2, 2015

Freedom and love are not to allow all

If you have children or if you don't have it; imagine that you have, would you allow to do things that you know that are not good for her/him?
That's my point for this post.

Some days ago, same sex marriage was legal in all 50 states in USA. It was obvious that all gay people were going to celebrate, but what we saw is that not only gay people were celebrating.
The government of this country, many people worldwide, big companies, lot of people that is not gay and even some people that defined themselves as "christians" were celebrating this legalization on the name of "love" and "freedom".

Let's go to see something; I, as a health professional know that men and women have unique features that make the difference between one sex and the other sex. And that the unique natural way to procreate is between a man and a woman. Do you get it? This is the natural way. God in his infinite wisdom created humans like this and gave us this nature. Go against human nature is inmoral, anti-ethic and go against God's principles is disobedience.
As He says in Romans 1: 27 homosexuality is sin.

So many people go all around Internet with pictures, quotes and hash tags celebrating this sin in "love" and "freedom's" name. Even though, there was some "christians" saying the same.

I, as a Christian have to love all people; yes, but I have to obey God in first place, and if something go against God's principles and is sin I will still showing the God's love and mercy loving them, but not supporting them to comitt more sin.

This lead me to the first point. Would you allow to your children to do things that you know that are not good for him/her?
God doesn't want sins in our lives. He disciplines us as the bible says "Because the Lord disciplines those who loves, as a father the son he delights in." - Proverbs 3:12.

We can't support the sin in name of "love" and "freedom", because love is disciplines too, because if you really love a person you show them the right way to go or try to get out of that way of sin and destruction. And because freedom is not legalize something that involves all the population, specially if there are discretion about it and not all the people are agreed with that. This, go against freedom because is impose something whether you are agreed or not.

So, if we are christians we must obey God and his principles in first place, without stop loving our neighbors and enemies as Jesus says. However not supporting their sins, but showing them the right way to go.

Hope this, help you to see clearer this important topics of the world.